Cory is taking a walk in the park when he sees Phil sitting on a bench. It seems he is having a video chat with his smartphone. Then, Phil spots Cory and signals to him to come over.
(courtesy of Pixabay)
Cory: |
Hey, what’s up Phil? (嘿,怎麼啦,菲爾。) |
Phil: |
Everybody, here’s my friend, Cory. Cory, come say hi. (各位,這是我的朋友柯瑞。柯瑞,過來打招呼。) |
Cory gives an awkward wave to the phone camera, having no idea whom he is greeting.
Phil: |
Well, that’s all for now. Hope to see you guys soon. Bye. (那麼,今天就到這囉,希望下次還能再看到你們。掰囉。) |
Phil taps the screen to end his call.
Cory: |
What’s that about? Who were you talking to? (那是啥?你在跟誰說話?) |
Phil: |
I was talking to my followers about how nice the weather is today. (我剛在跟我的追蹤者們說今天天氣很好。) |
Cory: |
Your followers? (你的追蹤者?) |
Phil: |
Yeah! People who are interested in my life and follow me on Facebook. (是啊!就是那些對我的生活感興趣,在臉書上追蹤我的人。) |
Cory: |
And you’re talking to your followers how? (那你是怎麼跟你的追蹤者們交流的?) |
Phil: |
Don’t you know Facebook introduced a video streaming service called Facebook Live? It allows users to connect with their friends or followers on Facebook in real time. (你不知道臉書有個叫直播的影片直播功能嗎?使用者可以即時在臉書上,跟他們的朋友或追蹤者聯繫。) |
Cory: |
That sounds a bit scary to me because you don’t know who you are talking to. (聽起來有點恐怖耶!因為你又不知道是在跟誰說話。) |
Phil: |
Actually, it’s quite fun. You can see people give their reactions and post their comments while you’re live streaming. And you get to interact with them simultaneously. (其實還滿有趣的。直播時,你可以看到別人的表情符號跟留言,而且你也可以同時跟他們互動。) |
Cory: |
It still feels weird to me. (我還是覺得很奇怪。) |
Phil: |
It won’t when people offer you money to do that. You see the outfit I’m wearing today? It’s actually from one of my sponsors. (如果你做這事是有錢拿的話,就不會這樣覺得了。你現在看到我所穿的服裝,其實是我的贊助商提供的。) |
Cory: |
Why do they want to sponsor you? (為啥他們想要贊助你?) |
Phil: |
That’s because live streaming is a great but inexpensive way for them to gain online exposure. Many major companies do this now! (那是因為對他們來說,直播是取得網路曝光很棒又便宜的方式。很多大公司現在都這麼做。) |
Cory: |
Are you telling me you’re one of those Internet celebrities? (你的意思是你是網紅嗎?) |
Phil: |
If you call a person with more than 5,000 followers an Internet celebrity, then yes I am. (如果你認為有超過五千名追蹤者,就算網紅的話,那我應該算是。) |
Cory: |
Wait! Are you just saying that I was talking to 5,000 people? (等一下!你是說我剛剛跟五千個人說話嗎?) |
follower | (n.) 追蹤者 |
streaming | (n.)(音頻或視頻的)分流、線上收聽(或收看) |
connect | (v.) 與…聯繫 |
real time | (ph.) 即時、同時[real-time為形容詞,分開寫時為名詞,前面會搭配in介係詞] |
live stream | (ph.) 現場直播 |
interact | (v.) 互動 |
simultaneously | (adv.) 同時地 |
sponsor | (n.) 贊助者;(v.) 贊助 |
online exposure | (ph.) 網路曝光 |
Internet celebrity |
(ph.) 網路名人、網紅 |